NASA astronauts share their workouts on the ISS to help those in isolation amid the coronavirus
4 years, 11 months ago

NASA astronauts share their workouts on the ISS to help those in isolation amid the coronavirus

Daily Mail  

Billions of people are under lockdown orders to limit the spread of coronavirus, forcing them to find creative ways to stay in shape at home -and a group who spends months in isolation has come to their aid. ‘You may need to get a little bit creative to get that heart rate elevated while at home without heading to the gym, but we are confident you can come up with something.’ Scroll down for video Astronauts aboard the International Space Station posted a video on Twitter sharing their workout routine from 250 miles above the Earth. NASA’s Jessica Meir took the public on a tour of their makeshift equipment which includes a vacuum system that is similar to free-weights, a treadmill with bungee cords and a stationary bike without a seat or handlebars The coronavirus, which began in China December 2019, has forced around 20 percent of the world’s population into their homes either by way of stay-at-home or quarantines. Aboard the ISS is the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device, which, according to Meir, is the crew’s one-stop weight machine that uses two large vacuum tubes to generate the resistance The system uses a piston and flywheel system to simulate free-weight exercises in normal gravity to work all the major muscle groups through squats, dead lifts and calf raises. Aboard the ISS is the Advanced Resistive Exercise Device, which, according to Meir, is the crew’s one-stop weight machine that uses two large vacuum tubes to generate the resistance.

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