Texas Senate passes first-ever Holi resolution; becomes third U.S. state to recognise festival
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Texas Senate passes first-ever Holi resolution; becomes third U.S. state to recognise festival

The Hindu  

The Texas Senate has passed its first-ever resolution recognising Holi, officially acknowledging the Hindu festival of colours as a significant cultural celebration. With this move, Texas becomes the third U.S. state — after Georgia and New York — to formally recognise Holi. In a statement, HAF said, "Texas Senate passes its FIRST-EVER Holi resolution! @SarahEckhardt TX makes history as Texas becomes the third state after Georgia and New York to recognise Holi, celebrating unity, colour, and the spirit of unity and friendship."

History of this topic

Texas becomes 3rd US state to formally recognise Holi after Georgia, New York
6 days ago

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