Four coastal homes may be demolished after road collapse
The IndependentSign up to the Independent Climate email for the latest advice on saving the planet Get our free Climate email Get our free Climate email SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. The authority’s housing options team is to visit people living there on Tuesday to “discuss options around their housing needs” amid the “prospect of more homes being lost to the sea”. Carl Smith, leader of Great Yarmouth Borough Council, said: “The welfare of residents and safety of the public is our paramount responsibility. As a community we have to consider how we best adapt to the erosion in what is one of Europe’s most dynamic stretches of coastline Carl Smith, leader of Great Yarmouth Borough Council “Our teams have been checking on people to see if they require assistance with shopping, medicines, pets etc. “And it is vital that people realise it is not safe to use the road, either on foot or by car.’’ Senior council officers and members are also due to meet with Hemsby Parish Council and the Save Hemsby Coastline group to keep them abreast of developments.
History of this topic

Demolition teams start tearing down five clifftop homes hit by storm damage in Norfolk village suffering from coastal erosion
Daily Mail
Villagers whose homes are at risk of falling into the sea are left stranded after access road collapses following a land slip
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Norfolk coastal village of Hemsby at risk of erosion as flood defences scrapped
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