Colleges fleecing; students in Tamil Nadu want transparency
6 months, 3 weeks ago

Colleges fleecing; students in Tamil Nadu want transparency

New Indian Express  

CHENNAI: When S Adhithyan enrolled in a BSc Mathematics programme at a government-aided college in 2019, he was told to pay a fee of Rs 61,000 for the three-year course by the management. That is why, the family was slightly relieved when the physical classes were disrupted due to Covid-19 and the government announced that colleges should only collect 75% of the fees. Adhithyan is one among many students who are robbed in daylight by some of the government-aided and government arts and science colleges in the state. In government-aided colleges, the government pays the salaries for teachers, non-teaching staff, and clerical staff, in addition to providing the land and initial infrastructure. However, taking advantage of the lack of transparency in the fees fixed by the government, many government aided colleges and a few government colleges charge exorbitant fees, said students.

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