CCTV monitoring might be a reality for bars, pubs in Mumbai; Restaurateurs react to new Maharashtra govt mandate
1 month, 1 week ago

CCTV monitoring might be a reality for bars, pubs in Mumbai; Restaurateurs react to new Maharashtra govt mandate

Hindustan Times  

Want to relax by enjoying a pint after work or just heading out with your friend's group, big brother will be watching. Videotapes of such moments, data storage and transmission involved present cybersecurity risks, including exposure to ransomware or hacking and exposing hotels and restaurants to data privacy and data security.” Chetan Mehta, Vice President, HRAWI, said, “We respect the intent to boost security, but the mandate is an unprecedented financial imposition. Some patrons might Akshay Shetty, Owner, Cray Craft: "The hospitality sector plays a unique role in providing spaces for people to unwind and connect, often referred to as ‘third spaces.’ While the safety and security of our communities are priorities we wholeheartedly support, new measures such as AI surveillance in leisure venues open up important discussions about balance and transparency. For example, measures like AI monitoring in high-security zones make sense, but broader implementation across private hospitality venues would benefit from further consultation. Shashank Shetty, Director, Tattva Bar and Cafe: “The Maharashtra government’s decision to mandate AI surveillance across all licensed establishments, including bars and restaurants, raises complex issues surrounding safety and privacy.

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