Scientists Find Light From the First Ever Stars Formed Billions of Years Ago in the Universe
News 18Before the beginning of space and time, there was nothing. Interestingly, we can still see the initial starlight from the cosmic dawn that has been travelling to us for billions of years, if we look far enough. So, when we look at faraway objects in space using our powerful telescopes, we are actually looking at the light that was released way before it reaches our telescope, thanks to the limited speed of light – 3,00,000 kilometres per second. For example, if we want to look a million year back in time, we need to look at the light coming from an object that is a million light-years away from us. Now, scientists expect that a new and more powerful NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope that will launch this year will let us have a clearer view of the first galaxies and take us farther back in time.