Unisex changing rooms put women at danger of sexual assault, data reveals
6 years, 6 months ago

Unisex changing rooms put women at danger of sexual assault, data reveals

The Independent  

Sign up for the Independent Women email for the latest news, opinion and features Get the Independent Women email for free Get the Independent Women email for free SIGN UP I would like to be emailed about offers, events and updates from The Independent. Read our privacy policy The vast majority of reported sexual assaults at public swimming pools in the UK take place in unisex changing rooms, new statistics reveal. What’s more, two thirds of all sexual attacks at leisure centres and public swimming pools take place in unisex changing rooms. The reforms to gender recognition will grant that access.” The concept of unisex changing areas and toilets has proven controversial - two years ago, visitors to Chelsea Sports Centre in West London voiced their anger at plans to merge the male and female changing rooms over fears of compromised privacy and increased risk of sexual harassment. However it’s not just in swimming pools and leisure centres that unisex changing areas are on the rise - high street chain Topshop, for example, has had gender-neutral changing rooms for nearly a year.

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