The simple things you take for granted at work
1 month, 1 week ago

The simple things you take for granted at work


Tom Bevan: The key thing I think as well is this notion of progress over perfection. Lisa Leong: We're not going to use Teresa's last name, but she does want to share her experience of moving through school and work with a disability. Lisa Leong: And now that you're in an environment, which is, it sounds like it's way more inclusive, do you communicate with everyone and get them to help you when you are finding things difficult? Lisa Leong: I mean, what's really interesting about you, James, is that you've now got this situation where you've got a different perspective from the one that you've had for quite a long time. Lisa Leong: Teresa says there's a lot more to be done to improve things for people with disability at work.

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