Scientists take the first EVER close-up picture of a star outside our galaxy - and it looks just like the Eye of Sauron
1 month, 2 weeks ago

Scientists take the first EVER close-up picture of a star outside our galaxy - and it looks just like the Eye of Sauron

Daily Mail  

Scientists have taken the first ever close-up image of a star outside our own galaxy - and some fantasy fans might find it strikingly familiar. Scientists have taken the first ever close-up image of a star outside our own galaxy, capturing this stunning image of the 'Behemoth Star' WOH G64 Fans of fantasy might notice that the image of the star bears a striking resemblance to the Eye of Saron from Lord of the Rings Although stars are massive, the incredible distances that separate them from the Earth make them extremely difficult to image. This technique could allow scientists to observe the never-before-recorded processes which take place in dying stars Capturing an image of the star required using a technique called interferometry to merge images from the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope Interferometer four 8-metre wide telescopes How does interferometry work? The researchers say that the egg-shaped cocoon of dust surrounding the star could be a sign that WOH G64 could blow up in a supernova explosion within our lifetimes Co-author Professor Gerd Weigelt, of the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy, says: 'We have found that the star has been experiencing a significant change in the last 10 years, providing us with a rare opportunity to witness a star’s life in real-time.'

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