GNLU's Centre for Law and Society Assists Authorities In Bringing Back Migrant Workers Stranded In Maharashtra To Their Homes In Madhya Pradesh
4 years, 9 months ago

GNLU's Centre for Law and Society Assists Authorities In Bringing Back Migrant Workers Stranded In Maharashtra To Their Homes In Madhya Pradesh

Live Law  

The Centre for Law and Society of the Gujarat National Law University is taking crucial steps to safeguard the rights of migrant workers stranded in Maharashtra, due to the nation-wide lockdown. So far, the team has established contact with over 6000 workers from Madhya Pradesh who were stranded in Maharashtra and has ensured that none of them face any problem regarding food and shelter. The assistance program entails the following: Providing train information to migrant workers and assisting them to reach their village from railway station; Assisting migrant workers in registering for shramik trains; trains; Connecting with government authorities for assisting migrant workers receive food/ration; Connecting with NGOs/individual donors for assisting migrant workers receive food/ration; Using social media to provide ration; Saving workers from abuse of employer. About GCLS The GCLS carries out its tasks through two wings: 1) Legal Services Committee that acts as a 'community legal clinic' and focuses on, inter alia, the deprivation of government benefits, eviction and issues of domestic violence; 2) Law & Society Wing that functions as a focal point for socio-legal research, facilitating interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and study on law and society, and law and legal institutions.

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