Kerala HC Extends Nodal Officer's Jurisdiction To Receive Complaints Of Victims From Film Industry Who Were Not Before Hema Committee
Live LawThe Kerala High Court has extended the jurisdiction of the nodal officer to accept the grievances of harassment/abuse from persons in the film industry who were not before the Justice Hema Committee. The Court stated that the nodal officer who was appointed can also take the complaints of other individuals in similar situations, regardless of whether they have provided statements to the Justice Hema Committee or not. It would be desirable to extent the jurisdiction of nodal officer to cover even those grievances that will be raised by those persons in the film industry who have not approached the Hema Committee, so that any such person can submit individual grievances with regard to any harassment/abuse faced by them to the nodal officer for forwarding to SIT for investigation of the same. We accordingly direct that the nodal officer shall on receipt on any such compliant from persons in film industry, promptly forward the same to SIT for investigation by ensuring confidentiality…” The Court however clarified that they must give their complaints within a specific time frame.