Render Physical And Financial Assistance To Govt. Primary School As Shiksha Swayamsewak : Madhya Pradesh HC Imposes Bail Condition
Live LawIn a first, the Madhya Pradesh High Court on Thursday passed more than 15 Bail orders directing several accused persons to render physical and financial assistance to Govt. Other Significant Bail Conditions This is not the first time that the Madhya Pradesh High Court has evolved a peculiar bail condition during the pandemic situation. Render Voluntary Service Similarly, Justice Prakash Shrivastava of the MP High Court had directed a grocery shop-owner, apprehended for lockdown violation, to render "voluntary services" for a week, as a precondition for bail. Installation Of 'Non-Chinese' LED TV At A Local District Hospital Last week, the Madhya Pradesh High Court directed two accused to install coloured LED TV at a local District Hospital, manufactured anywhere but in China, as a pre-condition for bail.