John Carter nearly drained his savings giving to charity — his family say those who targeted him need to be put on notice
1 year, 3 months ago

John Carter nearly drained his savings giving to charity — his family say those who targeted him need to be put on notice


When pensioner John Carter was moving into care earlier this year, his family was sorting through his belongings and made an alarming discovery. John Carter’s nephew Gary Van der Linde, who lives nearly 200km away, helped him cancel more than 20 direct debits each month. Mr Carter's nephew Gary Van Der Linde, who lives 200 kilometres away in Lilydale, said it has seriously affected the former disability pensioner's finances. Call centres 'need to be put on notice' John Carter's family said his story needed to be a warning to charities and professional fundraisers repeatedly targeting vulnerable individuals. "These call centres need to be put on notice," Gary Van der Linde said.

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