Joe Biden isn't backing away from his decision on Afghanistan, but questions will linger over the hasty US withdrawal
ABCFor all the bullets, bombs and the buildings America showered upon Afghanistan across two decades of occupation, it's striking how, when time finally ran out, nothing proved as potent as a cheap pocket smartphone. Questions raised over speed of Afghan military's collapse On Tuesday, the Biden stands by withdrawal, while admitting "the truth is, this did unfold more quickly than we had anticipated". There is Donald Trump's rhetorical demand "it is time for Joe Biden to resign in disgrace", and Senate leader Mitch McConnell's denunciation of the "shameful failure of American leadership". But both ignore the key role Trump played as the third man presiding over America's Afghanistan war by bequeathing a withdrawal deadline to Biden as the fourth. Biden didn't call time on the Afghanistan war for the same "America first" reasons Trump wanted out, but in the disastrous end to it all, the motivation behind it gets lost.