Filmmaker Sajid Khan and Shalin Bhanot never got along during their stint on Bigg Boss 16. In a now unavailable Instagram Stories, Sajid Khan shared a picture with Shalin Bhanot along with his mother and wrote, “Truly, it was Mother’s Day today for Shalin and me…. Sajid Khan previously had met Shalin Bhanot’s mother inside the Bigg Boss 16 house …
Shalin Bhanot and Tina Datta have a love-hate relationship on Bigg Boss 16. When Shalin Bhanot and Tina Datta were sitting together, the latter told him that Sumbul Touqeer Khan is constantly staring at them. When Tina asked him what did he referred to her with, Shalin said, "Soundarya because she keeps repeating things. The celebrities fighting it in the …
Bigg Boss 16 has kept the viewers entertained with its interesting twists and turns. At the start of the day on Bigg Boss 16, Shalin Bhanot confessed his feelings for Tina Datta to Gautam Vig. Bigg Boss then introduced the new task which was between Priyanka Chahar Choudhary and Nimrit Kaur Ahluwalia. Priyanka decided to put Archana Gautam and Shalin …