Vivo launched the X200 series, comprising the Vivo X200 and Vivo X200 Pro, earlier this month in India. Now, finally talking about the Vivo X200 Pro, the flagship costs ₹94,999 for the 16GB RAM and 512GB model. Vivo X200 series specifications Starting with the Vivo X200 Pro, it gets a 6.78-inch AMOLED quad-curved display, which is an LTPO panel with …
The Vivo X100 may have a market operating price of ₹ 63,999 for the 12GB RAM/256GB storage variant, while the Vivo X100 Pro may have an MOP of ₹ 89,999 for the 16GB RAM/512GB storage variant. The Vivo X100 Pro, on the other hand, has a 50MP primary sensor with Sony IMX989 lens and a 50MP Zeiss lens with support …