Among the Bollywood stars set to perform at the IIFA Awards 2018 stage, there’s Varun Dhawan, Ranbir Kapoor, Shraddha Kapoor, Arjun Kapoor and Kriti Sanon to name a few. The IIFA Awards, beyond recognising the best of the previous year’s works, is also known for the enthralling performances by Bollywood stars at the awards finale. Where are you?#IIFA2018 — …
IIFA Awards and Weekend 2018 to be held in Bangkok promises to be a night of glitz, glamour, stardom and entertainment The International Indian Film and Academy Weekend and Awards 2018, will take place at Bangkok’s Siam Niramit Theatre this weekend. Enthralling music by Amit Mishra, Shalmali Kholgade, Antara Mitra, Nakash Aziz and Sreerama Chandra is in store along with …