A city court on Tuesday granted the Delhi Police four more days of custody of Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair, a day after he was arrested for posting an “objectionable tweet” in 2018. The court also dismissed the precedent cited by Mr. Zubair’s counsel to contest the charge under Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code, saying they “are also …
A Delhi court on Tuesday granted the Delhi Police four more days of custody of fact-checking website Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair, a day after he was arrested for his “objectionable tweet” in 2018. The court also dismissed the precedent cited by Mr. Zubair’s counsel to contest the charge under Section 295A of the Indian Penal Code, saying they “are …
A Delhi court in a late night hearing on Monday sent Alt News co-founder Mohammed Zubair to one day police custody of the Special Cell’s Intelligence Fusion and Strategic Operations. Zubair was arrested in a case which the Delhi Police registered after receiving a complaint from a Twitter handle, wherein it was alleged that he had tweeted a questionable image …
The Orissa High Court has granted bail to Abhijit Iyer Mitra, a journalist and Defense Analyst, who was jailed for his alleged Anti-Odisha remarks in twitter.As per Advocate Nikhil Mehra, Mitra’s lawyer, the state submitted before the High Court that charge sheet has been filed against him dropping 295A and 153A IPC, though certain bailable sections remain.He was in jail …