Telecom companies Airtel, Jio and Vi offer prepaid plans under Rs 500 that serve as all-round plans. Airtel, Jio, Vi 3GB or 4GB daily data prepaid plans under Rs 500: Airtel Rs 398 prepaid plan: This plan gives 3GB data per day with 28 days validity. Airtel, Jio, Vi prepaid plans with 3GB daily data under Rs 500 Airtel Rs …
Airtel, Jio and Vi offer prepaid recharge plans that give 3GB daily data with calling and SMS benefits. Jio and Vi users get streaming benefits with 3GB daily data plans with these prepaid plans: Vi Rs 401 prepaid plan: Vi’s prepaid plan offers 3GB daily data for 28 days and gives 100 SMS per day. Jio Rs 401 prepaid plan: …