Hyderabad: A Khao Manee breed cat, named ‘Mennu’, was stolen from a pet lover’s house in Jahangirnagar Colony of Chintalkunta on Sunday night. The cat, a rare breed originating in Thailand and costing Rs 50,000, was stolen by an unidentified person wearing a red hoodie, who lifted the pet by the neck when she was relieving herself and fled on …
A man has faced court after about $50,000 worth of donated goods allegedly stolen from the Foodbank SA warehouse were found in the boot of his car. Key points: An Aldinga man, 43, has been arrested and charged with serious criminal trespass and theft He has been remanded in custody It's the second time in recent weeks theives have targeted …
It's no secret that Tesla and Space X CEO, Elon Musk is one of the world's richest men. You'd be surprised to know that reportedly Elon Musk lives in a rented, prefabricated and tiny house. As per the pictures of a model house available on Boxabl's Instagram page, the company that designed the tiny prefab house shows a double bed …