Veteran Marathi actor Jayant Savarkar, also popular for his role in Singham and Rocky Handsome, passed away on Monday. His son Kaustubh confirmed the news and said that his father was hospitalised 10-15 days ago due to age-related issues. He was put on a ventilator, and he passed away around 11 am due to age-related issues,'' Kaustubh told PTI. Jayant …
Israeli prison authorities said Adnan was found unconscious in his cell after almost three months on hunger strike. Palestinian prisoner Khader Adnan, who was affiliated with the Palestinian Islamic Jihad group, has died in an Israeli prison after nearly three months on a hunger strike, Israeli prison officials said. Adnan “refused to undergo medical tests and receive medical treatment” and …
Kyle Rittenhouse trashed his former attorneys, including Donald Trump crony Lin Wood, for raising money for themselves while letting him rot in jail for 87 days as the teen's lawyers seek to have his $2 million bail returned to their acquitted client. Kyle Rittenhouse, who sat down with Tucker Carlson for first interview since acquittal, ripped his former lawyers for …
Local doctors’ committee says five days of fighting between Arab and Masalit tribesmen have also left at least 191 people wounded. The death toll from violence that erupted during the weekend in Sudan’s Darfur region has climbed to 87, according to a local medical group that also reported attacks on healthcare workers in the area. The Sudanese doctors’ committee in …