On Sunday, HBO aired the final two episodes of the six-part documentary series Q: Into the Storm, in which filmmaker Cullen Hoback explores the cancerous QAnon conspiracy theory and attempts to get to the bottom of who exactly is behind it. In addition to exploring the QAnon milieu and some of the speech-related issues the conspiracy raises, Hoback’s mission in …
LOADING ERROR LOADING For almost three months, QAnon conspiracy theorists have been anxiously awaiting the return of 8chan, the defunct, extremist-friendly message board that’s integral to their far-right fringe movement. 8chan owner Jim Watkins, a rumored QAnon supporter himself, has been trying to fill his site’s void in recent weeks by resurrecting it as “8kun.” But behind the scenes, anti-extremism …
The site has become a hot bed of extremist content, with users posting messages celebrating mass killings Web infrastructure firm Cloudflare is suspending its services for 8chan, the notorious message board website where authorities say accused El Paso mass shooter Patrick Crusius uploaded a racist manifesto before a killing spree. https://t.co/ZsctDpswM5 — Matthew Prince 🌥 August 5, 2019 The company's …