Apple had introduced the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models during the Wonderlust event earlier this month. However, many users have now complained about the overheating issues on the iPhone 15 Pro models, some even going to the extent of saying that new iPhone had become too hot to much. According to notable Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, …
iPhone 15 Pro Max users have complained about major heating issues. That’s right, analyst Ming-Chi Kuo has written a detailed post this week which suggests that Apple has made the iPhone 15 Pro Max lighter than previous models, which seems to have come at a cost. Apple has made drastic changes to the architecture of the iPhone 15 Pro Max …
Apple on September 12 launched iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone Pro Max powered by a new processor called A17 Pro. Apple iPhone 15 Pro series new chipset also supports ray tracing for faster gaming. In optics, Apple iPhone Pro and Pro Max uses a 48MP main camera, a 12MP telephoto sensor and a 12MP ultrawide lens. Apple iPhone 15 Pro …
Apple iPhone 15 series is launching in a day’s time, and the excitement level among people has definitely gone up a notch. And like the previous few years, most people are excited to see the new iPhone 15 Pro series, particularly the iPhone 15 Pro model that has the right size, features similar to the Pro Max variant and is …