Apple had introduced the iPhone 15 Pro and iPhone 15 Pro Max models during the Wonderlust event earlier this month. However, many users have now complained about the overheating issues on the iPhone 15 Pro models, some even going to the extent of saying that new iPhone had become too hot to much. According to notable Apple analyst Ming-Chi Kuo, …
Apple is reportedly planning to change the underlying technology for its A17 Bionic chip in an effort to cut costs starting next year. The A17 Bionic chip is expected to be the tech giant's first chip produced using a 3nm fabrication process, which promises notable improvements in performance and efficiency compared to the 5nm process used in the A14, A15, …
Apple Inc. is planning to use an updated version of Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC's latest chip producing technology in iPhones and Macbooks next year, the Nikkei Asia newspaper reported on Wednesday. The A17 mobile processor, which is currently under development, will be mass-produced using TSMC's N3E chipmaking tech, expected to be available in the second half of next year, the report …