Last week, it was reported that the rumoured Galaxy A90 would launch under a new Galaxy R series. Both these models will feature the flagship Snapdragon 855 chipset, which would be very interesting indeed as Samsung typically uses mid-range processors for the Galaxy A series. Speaking of cameras, the Galaxy A90 is also tipped to launch with a triple camera …
The Galaxy A90 has been rumoured for many months now and things have not gotten any clearer. Twitter tipster @onleaks tweeted based on personal sources that a Galaxy R series is in the works and that the Galaxy A90 will be part of this new lineup. If Samsung is close to launching the Galaxy R series, the rumoured smartphone could …
The Galaxy Note 10 is expected to be Samsung's next big flagship for this year and there have been plenty of rumours to tell us that the phone is real and that its launch is just a couple of months away. This week, the Galaxy Note 10 was spotted on Geekbench with a brand new flagship Samsung chipset. The Galaxy …