Apart from Sanjay Dutt, KGF Chapter 2 also stars Yash, Raveena Tandon, Srinidhi Shetty, Achyuth Kumar, and is scheduled to release on 23 October The first look of Sanjay Dutt’s character Adheera from the upcoming film KGF Chapter 2 was released on Wednesday, 29 July. Sharing the poster on Twitter, Sanjay Dutt thanked the entire team of KGF and wrote, …
Actor Yash, who is thrilled to team up with Sanjay Dutt in KGF: Chapter 2, has said that the Munnabhai MBBS star was first and last choice for the role of Adheera in the film which goes on the floors from August. In a recent media interaction, Yash opened up on how Sanjay Dutt was signed for the project and …