Filmmaker Prashant Neel has revealed that actor Sanjay Dutt had a huge hand in designing his own character Adheera, which will play a crucial part in the second chapter of upcoming Kannada film KGF. The first look of Sanjay Dutt as Adheera was released on the occasion of the actor’s birthday a few days ago. In an interview with Cinema …
Apart from Sanjay Dutt, KGF Chapter 2 also stars Yash, Raveena Tandon, Srinidhi Shetty, Achyuth Kumar, and is scheduled to release on 23 October The first look of Sanjay Dutt’s character Adheera from the upcoming film KGF Chapter 2 was released on Wednesday, 29 July. Sharing the poster on Twitter, Sanjay Dutt thanked the entire team of KGF and wrote, …
Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt, who was recently seen in Prasthanam, is all set to turn baddie for Yash starrer KGF: Chapter 2. The mega-hit Kannada film KGF starring Yash in the lead role broke many box office records when it released last year. Earlier, on the occasion of Sanjay Dutt's 60th birthday, the makers released his look as Adheera. I …