As per the survey conducted, the performance of the government has been rated “below-average”, Jagdeep Chhokar, National Election Watch, ADR, told reporters. As per the survey conducted between October and December in 2018, the performance of the government has been rated “below-average”, Jagdeep Chhokar, founder member, National Election Watch, ADR, told reporters on Monday. Out of the 7,928 candidates analysed …
Better employment opportunities, healthcare and drinking water were the top three issues on which voters want the government of the day to work on, a national survey conducted by the Association for Democratic Reforms has claimed. As per the survey, conducted between October and December in 2018, the performance of the government has been rated "below-average", Jagdeep Chhokar, founder member, …
New Delhi, May 1 Traffic congestion, water and air pollution, and better employment opportunities have been the top three priority of Delhi's voters but the city government has performed below average in these issues, according to an ADR survey. The Association for Democratic Reforms said that traffic congestion, water and air pollution, and better employment opportunities are the top three …
New Delhi, April 1 The previous BJP government in Chhattisgarh, led by Raman Singh, performed "poorly and underwhelmingly" on almost all governance parameters, including employment, public transport, agricultural infrastructure, and law and order, according to a report by the Association for Democratic Reforms. "This is clear as the government has performed 'poorly and underwhelmingly' on all the 10 governance concerns …