Britain's competition watchdog on Friday said social media giant Meta had offered to limit its use of other businesses' advertising data for its Facebook Marketplace service to address the regulator's competition concerns. The Competition and Markets Authority said it was minded to accept the commitments, which include advertisers being able to opt out of allowing their data to be used …
The hospital was called out on Twitter, and has issued an apology as well. T Sunil, the marketing manager of the hospital said in a statement that the error stemmed out of ignorance, and not racial bias. Meanwhile, there has been substantial outrage on Twitter about the incident, with a few users even tagging the actor to make him aware …
The Dutch Association of Advertisers, which includes Jumbo, ING, and Procter & Gamble, is to hold talks with Facebook about the company’s response to combating racism and hate speech across its platforms. Their number includes Unilever, which said on Friday it would not advertise on Facebook in the US because of the ‘polarised atmosphere’ there. ‘We believe it is …