Indian shooters Divyansh Singh Panwar, Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar and Rudrankksh Patil created history as the trio smashed a world record in men's 10m Air Rifle team event to win the country's first gold medal at the Asian Games 2023. Asian Games: Divyansh Singh Panwar, Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar, and Rudrankksh Patil made history. In the process, Rudrankksh secured the …
Olympian Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar extended India’s domination in the shooting World Cup in Cairo by winning the 50m rifle 3-position gold on Wednesday. It was the fourth gold for India in the World Cup, following the men’s air rifle gold by Rundrankksh Patil, apart from the two mixed air pistol and mixed air rifle gold medals. In the gold …
Olympian Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar extended India’s domination in the shooting World Cup in Cairo, Egypt, by winning the 50-metre rifle 3-position gold on Wednesday. It was the fourth gold for India in the World Cup, following the men’s air rifle gold by Rundrankksh Patil, apart from the two mixed air pistol and mixed air rifle gold medals. In the …
Shooter Divyansh Singh Panwar, who has qualified for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, was able to assert himself as the World No.1 in commendable fashion, as he won the gold in the men’s, junior and youth sections of the 63rd National shooting championships organised in Bhopal on Friday. The 17-year-old Divyansh, who qualified in fifth place with 628.6, shot 250.4 in …