Indian shooters Divyansh Singh Panwar, Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar and Rudrankksh Patil created history as the trio smashed a world record in men's 10m Air Rifle team event to win the country's first gold medal at the Asian Games 2023. Asian Games: Divyansh Singh Panwar, Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar, and Rudrankksh Patil made history. In the process, Rudrankksh secured the …
Olympian Aishwary Pratap Singh Tomar beat Pankaj Mukheja 17-7 to emerge on top in 50-metre rifle 3-position event in the National shooting selection trials at the Dr. Karni Singh Range, Tughlakabad, on Thursday. Akhil Sheoran placed third ahead of Niraj Kumar, while Olympic quota place winner Swapnil Kusale was fifth, ahead of Olympians Deepak Kumar and Sanjeev Rajput. In the …