Writer, actor, director Akarsh Khurana has recently turned talk show host with Aadyam Theatre’s podcast, ‘Unscripted with AK’. In this new podcast, AK’s guests talk about their journeys in theatre, share anecdotes and memories and insights on the craft over a casual conversation, that true to the name of the show, don’t feel like they’re chasing an end, which is …
In Taapsee Pannu’s Rashmi Rocket, the heroine gets a shocking slap on her face. While Thappad makes for textbook reading on addressing a woman’s right to respect with subtlety and consistent writing, Rashmi Rocket runs miles away from it. These generic South Delhi dwellers in pink athleisure, who don’t seem to have run a mile in their lives except away …
The bespectacled director Akarsh Khurana warmly enquires if I would like a cup of coffee, fretting about how I must be cold from the rain. “Bejoy actually gave us the seed of this idea, about the wrong body landing up to a guy, who has to take a journey to exchange it for the right one,” chuckles Khurana while adding, …