The latest buzz in B-town is Akshay Kumar's upcoming film, Bell Bottom, which is all set to hit theatres on August 19. TWITTERATI REACT TO LARA DUTTA'S LOOK FROM BELL BOTTOM Akshay Kumar released the much-awaited trailer of Bell Bottom on August 3. I bet you can't guess this Bollywood actress portraying the role of #indiragandhi.Loved the #BellBottomTrailer.Can't wait for …
Two decades after his big screen debut, Akshay Kumar has released his first music video ever. Sharing his first music video Filhall, which also features Nupur Sanon, Akshay Kumar wrote, "After being in the industry for so long, I decided to make my music video debut because some things are better felt than explained. #Filhall Riteish Deshmukh November 10, …