Apple is set to launch the iPhone 17 Pro and iPhone 17 Pro Max in the second half of 2025. These new models will be the next versions of the iPhone 16 Pro series and are expected to have some significant design changes. Currently, the standard iPhone models come with aluminum frames, so this change would align the Pro models …
Lightweight aluminum products being developed by manufacturer Shandong Weiqiao Pioneering Group Ltd – based in the county-level city Zouping, Binzhou in East China's Shandong province – are boosting the city's efforts to build a high-end aluminum sector. "This type of light aluminum features a density of 0.4 grams per cubic centimeter and is usually used in the automobile bumpers, transportation …
Binzhou, East China's Shandong province, has been implementing its innovation-driven development strategy to serve its high-quality development. The city's gross domestic product increased by 95.5 percent, with an average annual growth rate of 6.9 percent over the past decade. In the aluminum industry, one of the city's pillar sectors, the proportion of middle and high-end aluminum products increased by 30.2 …
Binzhou, a city in East China's Shandong province, saw significant progress in the development of its manufacturing industries. The city has developed five major industrial clusters in the fields of high-end aluminum, fine chemicals, intelligent textiles, food processing, as well as animal husbandry and aquatic products. Aluminum oxide, which is used to create aluminum, is frequently referred to as alumina, …
Coimbatore: Dr C. Bhagyanathan, professor of Mechanical Engineering at Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College reported that the existing technology to recycle aluminum scrap into graded quality aluminum ingots in batches not only involves the deployment of huge manual laborers for sorting of the scraps but also requires exclusive high capacity furnace for producing the graded ingots at huge investment. In this …