Gujarat-based ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India said on Sunday it has executed India's very first "paperless bill discounting transaction" in partnership with ICICI Bank. ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel is a joint venture between ArcelorMittal and Japan's Nippon Steel "In a step forward for digitising trade payments, AMNS India has executed the country's first domestic paperless bill discounting transaction," AMNS India said in …
ArcelorMittal, world’s largest steel maker on Monday completed the acquisition of Essar Steel India Limited, and simultaneously established a joint venture with Nippon Steel Corporation, called ArcelorMittal Nippon Steel India Limited, which will own and operate ESIL. “ArcelorMittal holds 60% of AM/NS India, with Nippon Steel holding the balance,” said a company statement adding that Aditya Mittal, president and CFO …