The Enforcement Directorate has given its nod to the application filed by former Mumbai cop Sachin Vaze to turn approver in the case against former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh and others. The ED said, “This Directorate has no objection if the instant application is allowed on the condition that accused Sachin Vaze makes a full and true disclosure of …
New Delhi: A special Mumbai court accepted dismissed police officer Sachin Waze’s plea to turn approver in a corruption case against former Maharashtra home minister Anil Deshmukh, reported news agency PTI. The dismissed police officer was arrested in March last year for his alleged role in the case of an explosives-laden vehicle found near industrialist Mukesh Ambani's residence in south …
The Central Bureau of Investigation has consented for the grant of pardon with certain conditions to dismissed Mumbai police inspector Sachin Waze in the corruption case also involving former Home Minister Anil Deshmukh. Waze, who was suspended in the early 2000s in a custodial death case, claimed that Deshmukh demanded money to facilitate his reinstatement in the police force on …