ADILABAD: Minister Indrakaran Reddy, MLAs and officials launched the Arogya Mahila Scheme in Adilabad on Wednesday coinciding with the International Women’s Day. Speaking on the occasion, local MLA Jogu Ramanna said under the Arogya Mahila Scheme women can get examined and also collect medicines for their ailments. Coinciding with the International Women’s Day, minister Indrakaran distributed interest-free loans to some …
Warangal: Health minister T. Harish Rao on Wednesday launched a uniquely conceptualised ‘Mahila arogya pathakam, a women's health scheme to mark this year’s international women’s day at a primary health centre in Karimnagar’s Butti Rajaram colony. As many women bear in silence their health problems, the Mahila arogya pathakam has been introduced whereupon they will be entitled for medical care …
Taking into account the increasing cost of healthcare in the country amid the covid-19 pandemic, the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India has allowed all general and health insurance companies to increase the sum insured on the standard health insurance product beyond ₹5 lakh. The standard product called Arogya Sanjeevani, which all insurers are mandated to offer had a …
In the midst of the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic and Pan-India lockdown, Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE, has written to all of the school principals about the Arogya Setu. Following this, CBSE has asked the school principals to inform teachers, students and staff members about the app. Students, teachers, staff members can download the Arogya Setu app from both, app …
New Delhi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will preside over the valedictory function of ‘Arogya Manthan’, a two-day event organised by the National Health Authority, to mark the completion of one year of ‘Ayushman Bharat’ or ‘Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana’ on Tuesday. The Prime Minister will launch a new mobile application of Ayushman Bharat as well as the ‘Ayushman Bharat …