ADILABAD: Minister Indrakaran Reddy, MLAs and officials launched the Arogya Mahila Scheme in Adilabad on Wednesday coinciding with the International Women’s Day. Speaking on the occasion, local MLA Jogu Ramanna said under the Arogya Mahila Scheme women can get examined and also collect medicines for their ailments. Coinciding with the International Women’s Day, minister Indrakaran distributed interest-free loans to some …
Warangal: Health minister T. Harish Rao on Wednesday launched a uniquely conceptualised ‘Mahila arogya pathakam, a women's health scheme to mark this year’s international women’s day at a primary health centre in Karimnagar’s Butti Rajaram colony. As many women bear in silence their health problems, the Mahila arogya pathakam has been introduced whereupon they will be entitled for medical care …