The Economic Offences Wing of the Central Crime Station Hyderabad has arrested B. Lakshmi, a retired director of the Administrative Staff College of India, in connection with a financial fraud. According to the complaint, Dr. Lakshmi allegedly raised fraudulent invoices in the names of her acquaintances, forged resumes and signatures, and falsely listed them as experts in ASCI training programmes. …
The Advertising Standards Council of India said medical practitioners, health and fitness, and finance experts holding certifications from recognised institutions are required to “disclose” that they are certified experts and practitioners while sharing information or promoting products or services or making any health-related claims. All “Influencers providing advice and/or promoting and/or commenting on merits or demerits on aspects related to …
The Advertising Standards Council of India recently released a list of celebrities who failed to follow due diligence while advertising a product or a brand. Cricketer MS Dhoni tops the list that also includes cricketer Virat Kohli, actors Bhuvan Bam, Jim Sarbh, Vishal Malhotra, Shraddha Kapoor, Ranveer Singh, Shibani Dandekar, and Sara Ali Khan. MS Dhoni and Virat Kohli are …