On Tuesday, one Aurangzeb, also known as Mohammad Farid, died in strange circumstances in Uttar Pradesh’s Aligarh district after which several Hindu traders and businessmen have been accused of his murder. Sections of culpable homicide imposed Many businessmen, including Rajesh Garg, Rahul Garg, Sunil Rajni, Pankaj Aggarwal, and Kishan Arora, claim that they had no prior enmity with the deceased …
On the 18th of June 2024, a Muslim man called Mohammed Farid, who was also known as “Aurangzeb” was killed after being beaten up by Hindus in Aligarh. The Hindu side demanded that those arrested should be released, while the Muslim side demanded justice for Aurangzeb, who had entered a Hindu house late at night. — Zeyad Masroor Khan June …
On 13th May 2023, at around 9:15 pm, a mob of Muslims barged into the Trimbakeshwar temple at Nashik in Maharashtra. Muslims forcibly entered Trimbakeshwar As the local Muslims attempted to enter the temple, the temple management committee lodged a complaint with the police after security guards stopped them from reaching the sanctorum. Muslims blamed Hindus for disturbing the communal …
Propagandist Zainab Sikander, who is considered one of the faces of the ‘moderate’ sections of the Muslim community, wrote an article for Shekhar Gupta led The Print where she again spread insidious lies that are verily a threat to our country’s communal harmony. In the article, titled ‘Indian Muslims are silent over Tabrez Ansari because of Muhammad Ali Jinnah’, The …