Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday said as the election bugle has been sounded, the opposition hurled the 104th abuse on him calling him Aurangzeb and calling for PM's 'beheading'. Amid all these positive, and negative comments, the world will see its biggest election," Narendra Modi said at News18 Rising Bharat summit. Prime Minister Narendra Modi said despite all the …
On 30th December 2022, Ajit Pawar of the Nationalist Congress Party said in the Maharashtra assembly that Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj was not a Dharmaveer, but he was a Swarajya Rakshak. While speaking in the assembly, Ajit Pawar said in his address, “I would like to say it again that we purposefully call Chhatrapati Sambhaji Maharaj Swarajya Rakshak. He tried to …