The Aam Aadmi Party on Saturday announced the launch of an ‘Auto Samvad Abhiyan’ at autorickshaw stands across the city. Announcing the drive, AAP’s Delhi convener Gopal Rai said autorickshaw drivers will spread the work of Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal among the public and “expose the BJP’s conspiracy” to stop the development works in the Capital. Attacking the ruling party, …
A 40-year-old autorickshaw driver ended his life on Monday at his residence in Mangadu after being called for an inquiry by police in connection with settlement dues for purchase of vehicles. Lodging a complaint with Mangadu police, his wife said that he ended his life on Monday evening because of mental agony after Ambattur police held an an inquiry with …
A 53-year-old government doctor’s fate turned hapless in Karnataka when he refused to help an IAS officer get a posting in 2018. Dr Ravinder MH, a former reproductive and child health officer, is now driving auto-rickshaw to earn his livelihood after serving in the health and family welfare department in Ballari district for 24 years. Ravinder, who hasn’t received his …