This week’s market slump eroded Rs 18.5 lakh crore in investor wealth. The downturn has been attributed to risk aversion in the global markets after the hawkish stance of the US Federal Reserve Bears mauled the Indian stock market on Friday, December 20, as investors reacted to Fed's hawkish stance and global market sentiments. Image courtesy: AI-generated image via DALL-E …
I moved to Mumbai in late September 2005. But by the time the retail investors would enter such a stock, its price had already been run up as much as the operators wanted it, and it was time for them to sell. This would lead to the stock price falling, with retail investors usually losing money in such situations. Well, …
A friend and energy expert recently asked: What’s the bigger threat to the oil industry, electric vehicles or renewable energy? Electric vehicles using conventional power sources such as coal or natural gas don’t fully displace the carbon emissions of regular cars. Unlike the US, China isn’t an oil and gas powerhouse, and its rising import dependence leaves it at the …