Directed by Ahmed Khan, the third instalment in the Baaghi franchise is slated to release on 6 March. Titled ‘Bhankas’, the track is a rehashed version of veteran musician Bappi Lahiri’s ‘Ek Aankh Maarun Toh’ from the Jeetendra and Sridevi-starrer Tohfa. ‘Bhankas’ sees Tiger Shroff, Shraddha Kapoor involved in playful banter, but at the same time performing a dance number …
The new song of Baaghi 3, Bhankas, sees Tiger Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor groove to Jeetendra and Sridevi's popular dance number Ek Aankh Maru Toh from Tohfa. Bhankas is the remixed version of Bappi Lahiri's song Ek Aankh Maru Toh from 1984 film Tohfa. Watch Bhankas here: Earlier today, Tiger Shroff took to social media to share a still from …
The 2.0 version of ‘Dus Bahane’ for Baaghi 3 is sung by original singers and composers Vishal-Shekhar, who wanted to save their song from a ‘shoddy remix.’ The first song from Tiger Shroff-starrer action drama Baaghi 3, titled ‘Dus Bahane 2.0,’ has released. Dus Bahane 2.0 sees Shroff and Shraddha Kapoor match steps at exotic locations, dressed glamorously from head …