Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon will once again grace the big screen together in the Vikas Bahl directorial 'Ganpath' after the two marked their debut together with Sajid Nadiadwala's 'Heropanti.' Made on a budget of Rs 150 crore, 'Ganapath Part 1' also marks the second pair up of Tiger Shroff and Kriti Sanon since the 2014 romantic-action film 'Heropanti'. The …
Raghav Bahl, founder of Quintillion Media Pvt. Kulbhushan Jadhav branded as an Indian Spy A story written on Jan 6, 2018 by The Quint’s Political & Opinion Editor, Chandan Nandy was taken down The Quint published an article detailing how their sources confirmed that Kulbhushan Jadhav was an Indian spy, something the Indian Government and the RAW vehemently denied The …