Calling for “resolve and restraint” to fight coronavirus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday asked the entire country to observe ‘Janata curfew’ on Sunday, March 22 as a test run for social distancing over the next few days. #JantaCurfew #ClapToThank @narendramodi — Punit Agarwal March 22, 2020 Surprisingly, several opposition politicians and several left-liberal personalities were Compulsive hatemonger and …
A country stalked by an eerie silence came alive, suddenly, at 5pm. Sounds of clapping and beating utensils rang out of residential areas, houses and high-rises, lifting the sombre Sunday mood. People clap and make sound of dish in support of medical doctor’s, staff and civic workers at Bandra, Mumbai. Responding to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s appeals, citizens across the …