On October 15, the day one of Navaratri, Telangana chief minister and Bharat Rashtra Samithi supremo K. Chandrashekar Rao, popularly known as KCR, went from Pragati Bhavan, his office-cum-residence, to Telangana Bhavan, the party headquarters in Hyderabad, to launch the second phase of electioneering. The state’s 60 lakh farmers get Rs 10,000 per acre a year as investment support under …
In an attempt to woo the Dalit voters in Telangana, the Bharat Rashtra Samithi -led K Chandrashekar Rao’s government is building a 125-foot-tall statue of Dr BR Ambedkar near the new Telangana Secretariat. The state government had also launched a number of initiatives for the Dalit community, including the Dalit Bandhu scheme, which CM Rao had promised to replicate throughout …
Neereti Mounika had just completed her intermediate when she got married. A beneficiary under the Telangana government’s Dalit Bandhu scheme and We-Hub’s support mechanism, Mounika is one of the many women from the marginalised sections, who is on her way to become an entrepreneur. “When I got to know about the Dalit Bandhu scheme, I made multiple visits to Huzurabad …
A couple of months ago, members of the Mano Bandhu Foundation had found a middle-aged woman wandering aimlessly on the beach in the city. “The need of the hour is to have more shelter homes in cities, towns and districts, and a few should specifically cater to the mentally ill,” Mr. Sandeep said. Concurring with his view, Pragada Vasu of …