The returning officer of Maval Deepak Singla, on Sunday, filed a complaint at Sangvi police station against an unknown individual for violating the code of conduct. Banners were put up in Sangvi-Pimple Gurav area, on Sunday, stating, ‘This the time to show opponents of Bhau their place violating the code of conduct by an anonymous strong support.’ The banner indirectly …
PUNE: Two-term MP Shrirang Barne on Monday filed his nomination as Mahayuti candidate of Shiv Sena from the Maval Lok Sabha constituency in the presence of Chief Minister Eknath Shinde and Deputy Chief Minister Ajit Pawar. Two-term MP Shrirang Barne on Monday filed his nomination as Mahayuti candidate of Shiv Sena from the Maval Lok Sabha constituency. Barne will face …
Sitting Member of Parliament and Mahayuti candidate for Maval constituency of Shiv Sena Shrirang Barne on Monday said that he will personally invite Parth Pawar for his campaign for the upcoming general elections. Barne will contest against Sanjog Waghere of Shiv Sena, the official candidate of Maha Vikas Aghadi, at Maval. The two-time MP had defeated the deputy chief minister …