Hyderabad: Fulfilling yet another poll promise made during Assembly polls, the Congress government has decided to give Rs 500 per quintal bonus to paddy farmers producing 'sanna vadlu' from the upcoming kharif season. The government has decided to utilise sanna vadlu procured from farmers to produce sanna biyyam for supplying to students in hostels run by welfare departments and also …
BHUBANESWAR: Cuttack MP and BJP candidate from the seat Bhartruhari Mahtab on Tuesday targeted the Naveen Patnaik government over its failure in solving water crisis and creation of additional storage capacity in the state. With the Central Water Commission reporting that four rivers have completely dried up in south Odisha, Mahtab told a media conference here that while the water …
VIJAYAWADA: The Andhra Pradesh Rythu Sangham has passed a unanimous resolution seeking construction of two new barrages across River Krishna at Chodavaram in Penamaluru mandal and at Bandikolla Lanka in Mopidevi mandal to store 3 TMC of water in each barrage. Prasad said the general body meeting of the Sangham met here and unanimously demanded that the government urgently complete …