French President Emmanuel Macron on Friday extended a warm greeting to Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Paris. As the Guest of Honour for the French National Day celebrations in the city on Friday, PM Modi, who is in France for an official visit that will last for two days, joined President Emmanuel Macron. Today, PM Modi will elegance the Bastille …
Prime Minister Narendra Modi has left the country for a two-day visit to France at the invitation of President Emmanuel Macron. PM Modi will be in Paris on July 13-14 and will also be the guest of honour at French National Day or Bastille Day. The Prime Minister will attend an event with the Indian community at La Seine Musicale …
French President Emmanuel Macron will show PM Modi the Louvre Museum and the two leaders may get photographed with the iconic Mona Lisa painting during the Indian PM’s visit to Paris next week. PM Modi will address a diaspora event at La Seine Musicale, a music and performing arts center located on Ile Seguin Island in scenic Seine River in …